Advice and guidance
we are here to help...
Veterans Response aims to provide a high quality information advice and guidance service which will enable all enquirers to make informed choices about ways in which Veterans Response can meet their individual needs.
We can provide information, advice and career guidance with a qualified guidance professional on the following:
î Choosing the right course, decision making and establishing realistic goals
î Financial support
î Learning support
î Progression options (for example apprenticeships, employment)
î Support housing needs
î Referral – direction to other courses, agencies or resources
î Identification of barriers and action planning To implement veterans Response will:
î Provide accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance to existing and new clients about the support services we offer.
î Provide accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance to employers about the courses, qualifications and support services we offer.
î Provide accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance to veterans Response staff about their rights, entitlements and responsibilities as employees, about staff development procedures and opportunities, about performance management and grievance procedures, and about opportunities to contribute to Veterans Response strategic planning.
î Provide a service that conforms to the standards laid down by the National Information, Advice and Guidance Board.
î Provide a service which is confidential to the individual, and which meets the highest standards of equality of opportunity. All IAG is conducted by a qualified professional by individual discussions, classroom sessions, telephone, email. To access our IAG service please contact Ian Driver on 01914274764 or email
Veterans Response Ltd is working towards the Matrix Standard accreditation.
1.0 Values
In line with Veterans Response purpose we provide high quality service advice that gives our clients the knowledge, skills and experience to make informed choices.
2.0 Aims
î To provide all clients and potential clients with impartial information, advice and guidance that empowers them to make self-determined choices.
î To ensure equality of opportunity for all persons seeking to access our services.
î To actively support and promote equality and diversity in all matters relating to our service provision. To identify and eliminate attitudes, practices and procedures which discriminate against people on grounds of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, religion/belief, gender re-assignment, social background, marital status, nationality/citizenship or any personal characteristic of the individual/s and the actions of comments are viewed as demeaning and unacceptable to the recipient. 3.0 Objectives Our objectives are to ensure that;
Quality information, advice and guidance will be readily available to our clients in a range of formats and forums at different stages of the client journey
IAG staff are appropriately supported and their training updated to deliver effective IAG, meeting the required standards
We provide information, advice and guidance on about provision at Veterans Response Ltd, choosing the right path for them.
Clients are signposted or referred within or beyond Veterans Response when appropriate, Veterans Response Ltd policies relating to Equality & Diversity, Complaints and Appeals, Confidentiality, Safeguarding and Data Protection are applied within the service clients and staff are provided with a range of opportunities to feedback on the IAG service
Information from the feedback results in improvements to the service which are widely communicated
These objectives will be measured through self-assessment and review.
4.0 We expect our clients:
î To attend appointments (or inform of cancellation)
î To contact us promptly if there are concerns about studies
î Give as much relevant information as possible to help us respond to your enquiries
î To treat Veterans Response staff and clients with respect î Feedback on the service received
5.0 Key Performance Indicators for IAG
The aims and objectives are measured by the following data:
î Client Referral – Benchmark (clients referrals expected 100%, whole Veterans response Ltd minimum of 92 %)
î Client Retention – Benchmark (minimum of 92%)
î Success rates – Benchmark (minimum of 85 %)
î Financial support applications – 100% of requests via our service provision receive a timely response Feedback
î Client voice
î Early intervention exit interviews
î Service evaluations (clients and staff)
î Website feedback
î Analysis of complaints Training & Support;
î Staff training records and feedback
Quality monitoring;
î Observations of service provision
î Service quality review boards
î External monitoring of service provision
î Monitoring of relevant policies and procedures, for example – Equality & Diversity