Our Philosophy


who is Veterans REsponse...

Veterans Response is a one stop charitable “go to” organisation that seeks to meet the needs of our armed forces veterans and their families. We will either do that directly or through our signposting that will point you in the direction of one of our many partner organisations.

The classic image of a young person who joins the forces is one of a vibrant individual who leaves home to serve their country; free thinking, fit and healthy. Sadly, all too often they return as a seriously damaged and injured individual. After a period of deep reflection, irrespective of the devotion of their family, they can soon consider themselves a burden. Dealing with unwanted dependency, and their separation from their close comrades, can often cause depression. In some cases this can in turn cause extreme anger, which may manifest itself in violent behaviour, all of this is born out of frustration and an inability to relate to a civilian environment.

Over the past two decades there has been a marked increase in the active service of UK armed forces. Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq for example have resulted in an increased number of servicemen and women who have been both physically and psychologically injured. This has placed an increasing demand upon the resources of existing charities and support organisations alike. In recognition of this, Veterans Response was established by a military service provider dealing with personnel who have fought on the front line. We have a close understanding of the nature of events these individuals have witnessed and endured, and this has provided our framework for Veterans Response. We support all Veterans from all conflicts including their families.

Veterans Response is a one stop charitable “go to” organisation that seeks to meet the needs of our armed forces veterans and their families. We will either do that directly or through our signposting that will point you in the direction of one of our many partner organisations. 

Why Veterans Response?

Why are we needed?, put simply, because there is a gap , there is a gap and huge under provision in services and support available to our veterans and we along with our partners seek to go a little way to filling that gap.


What services does Veterans Response and its partner organisations offer ?

·       Guidance and counselling

·       Housing Advice

·       Training and education

·       Homes and supported accommodation

·       Furniture packages

·     Veterans Food Bank

·       Employment

·       Mentoring service


Why does Veterans Response and our Veterans need you?

We all need you to support us please whether that be through sharing what we do on your facebook page or offering some of your time, or maybe even giving us some of your unwanted furniture and/household items for us to recycle in our recycling project; but most importantly if you can afford it? a financial contribution either in the form of a purchase from our goods for sale or maybe a donation; but one thing for sure whatever you do we will appreciate it “Thankyou”